This covenant is for the diehard Dark Souls players. Rank 3 (Defeat the Boss of the Dark Chasm): Climax, Xanthous Crown, Xanthous Overcoat, Xanthous Gloves, Xanthous Waistcloth. Rank 2 (Light all three Braziers in the Dark Chasm): Great Resonant Soul. Rank 1 (Successfully clear one area of the Dark Chasm): Resonant Soul. Lastly, near the Drangleic Castle first bonfire, activate the the statues with souls and continue through the last gate on the left. Instead of going through the two buildings, look for the grassy area and drop down where you see a few boards to find him. In Shaded Ruins, keep right from the giant basilisk and continue on the path to the Boss. Kill them for the key and go through the previously locked gate to find him. You need to drop down another ledge where two giants will be waiting. Drop down the ledge near the first worm and right after the first black hand monsters. Players can join this covenant by talking to Darkdiver Grandahl who is located in three different places. Defeating the final boss however will reward players with an awesome armor set and weapon. This is a purely PvE covenant, that can equate to basically a Boss Rush mode. This covenant allows players to fight various bosses, even some from Lordran such as Havel the Rock, Pharis and Ricard. Rank 3 (Defeat 100 Hosts when invading as a Grey Phantom or 10 Black Phantoms that invade the Belfries): Bell Keeper Helmet, Bell Keeper Bellyband, Bell Keeper Cuffs, Bell Keeper Trousers. Rank 2 (Defeat 30 Hosts when invading as a Grey Phantom or 10 Black Phantoms that invade the Belfries): Hidden Weapon. Rank 1 (Defeat 10 Hosts when invading as a Grey Phantom or 10 Black Phantoms that invade the Belfries): Titanite Slab x1. This covenant can be entered immediately after entering Belfry Luna, and talking to the small soldier sitting on the right. These little guys will protect the Bell from the Princess at any cost! Join these psychotic beings and be summoned to dispatch of any trespasser who tries to ring the bell. Rank 3 (500 deaths while invading, or victories in deathmatches): Great Chaos Fireball. Rank 2 (150 deaths while invading, or victories in deathmatches): Crescent Sickle. Rank 1 (50 deaths while invading, or victories in deathmatches): Curved Twinblade. You can join this covenant after defeating the Executioner Chariot and talking to Tiny Gren in a small area after.

Brotherhood of Blood players might face a difficult time since some players might be protected by Blue Sentinels. Being a part of this covenant means you'll be invading other players and spilling their blood for the god, Nahr Alma. The Brotherhood of Blood can be equated to the Dark Wraiths covenant from Dark Souls. Rank 3 (500 deaths of invading Black Phantoms when invading as Revenge Phantom, or victories in training matches): Bountiful Sunlight. Rank 2 (150 deaths of invading Black Phantoms when invading as Revenge Phantom, or victories in training matches): Wrath of the Gods. Rank 1 (50 deaths of invading Black Phantoms when invading as Revenge Phantom, or victories in training matches): Spirit Tree Shield. Players can join the Blue Sentinels by entering the Blue Cathedral in Heide's Tower of Flame, however, the prerequisite is that they have actively helped another player through co-op play. Alternatively, Blue Sentinels can also invade other players who have been indicted as committing sins. When a player joins the Blue Sentinels, they will be summoned to players that are part of the Way of the Blue covenant, if they're being invaded. These warrior's go hand in hand with the Way of the Blue covenant. Rank 3 (Defeat 10 invading phantoms): Blue Tearstone Ring. Rank 2 (Defeat 5 invading phantoms): Hush. Rank 1 (Defeat 1 invading phantom): Bloodbite Ring. Upon a player invasion to your world, a Blue Sentinel player will be summoned to help defeat the invader in battle. This covenant can be entered by talking to Saulden in Majula multiple times. When in Way of the Blue, you gain protection from players who are in the Blue Sentinels covenant, particularly when you get invaded. Let's break down what these covenants are, and what rewards await when you climb through their ranks. player combat.Īs of right now, there are 9 known covenants in the game, two focused on cooperation, two PvP covenants based on invading, three PvP covenants based on being summoned, and two PvE covenants.

Covenants are an integral part of the world of Dark Souls, as they enhance the overall multiplayer experience by making players connect with others, whether through cooperation or intense players vs.