It's a tricky one as it has a few aspects to incorporate, but I feel NB would be better as a DFC to represent the Sheather and unsheathed I would definitely go with deathtouch, first strike and maybe trample. I would lessen NB's +5 to +4/-2, especially with the keywords as well as. also, not sure if you need that return to battlefield part.since equipment stays in play when the equipped creature dies. Think I'd do deathtouch, first strike, trample (the +5/+5 is fine). I feel like Nightblood should not grant indestructible. Elend's single mana +2/+2 ability is way too powerful, especially since you can use it multiple times per turn. as it stands, it is not likely to be very useful, since it will mostly trigger after combat damage has already been dealt. I'd change Kaladin's damage prevention ability to redirect the damage to himself instead, and probably try to rework that buff he gets when creatures die.

I'd make Kelsier and Sazed into flip cards, rather than searching for a separate card when they die. I'd make Sazed's abilities contigent upon having an artifact in play. it is always interesting to see the different ways peopel think various abilities should be expressed. I know I've seen similar efforts before, though it has been a while. Unfortunately, this is still speculation until we get closer to 2023.I rather like those. Wizards mentioned that they’d offer a “full product lineup,” which means that we’ll be seeing draft and set boosters as well as four Commander decks. But you’ll be the first to know the second we do! Available Products Nothing to see here yet, and it’ll probably be quite a while before we get any more details. There are some other fan-made sets floating around the aether from years ago, but they aren’t very well balanced in my opinion. I’m partially fond of The One Ring and Boromir of Gondor. MTG Cardsmith user OndSluHai created a custom LotR set that gives us a pretty decent idea of some cards we might see. Destructoid seems to think it’ll be more in line with the Peter Jackson films, but I couldn’t find any sources to verify this. Sometimes it’s just easier not to explain why there’s an omnipotent not-quite-hobbit man who’s married to a river. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see lesser-known characters like Tom Bombadil or Beorn and his Beornings. We already know the set will feature the Fellowship and other iconic characters and items throughout Middle-earth. We have a lot of time to speculate since Tales of Middle-earth isn’t going to release until 2023, but not enough details for any well-informed guesses. I don’t expect it to be on par with a Modern Horizons set but there’s a strong chance it’ll be around there. This set will also be Modern and Historic legal, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the power level is a bit above what we see in a typical Standard set. I don’t think it’ll be on the same level as Lorwyn, maybe more like the Ixalan block’s subtler tribal mechanics.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this set features some heavier tribal mechanics to reflect this. On the other hand, men are the youngest of the races and often quarrel among themselves due to the lack of a proper king to rule them. Elves are the oldest, being created first, followed by the dwarves, and they hate each other. One of the major themes of the books is the racial dynamics between these creatures. We don’t know anything about the set as of right now. Elves, orcs, treefolk, hobbits, and humans all have a place here. Middle-earth is known as the “original” high-fantasy setting upon which almost all of the modern fantasy fiction stems, so we’ll see a lot of fantasy tropes in this set. A small group of heroes known as the “Fellowship of the Ring” seeks to bring the ring to the mountain where it was forged, to destroy it once and for all. Unfortunately, a small hobbit eventually discovers that ring, which throws the world back into chaos. He needs his Ring of Power (known as “The One Ring”) to reform his physical form and finish what he started. Without getting into the crazy mythos of Middle-earth, the story is about an evil entity known as “Sauron” who was defeated at the hands of men and elves after nearly destroying the realm. Dungrove Elder | Illustration by Matt StewartĪssuming they stick to the core books, we’ll probably see Tales of Middle-earth somewhere in the middle of the War of the Ring.įor the uninitiated, Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy tale that spans three books.